The bronze
The « original work of art » is made from the artist’s original plaster cast.
I use to choose a highly competent melting bronze foundry to make into perfect shape my plaster cast.
I attach great importance to the carefull making, as well as to the control of registering the limited number of pieces, that which increases the value to what is named an « original work of art ».
That means :
8 pieces dated and numbered : 1/8 - 2/8… 8/8
4 artist’s pieces dated and numbered : A I – A II – A III et A IV, these which are intended for exhibitions or to signify a privileged link between the buyer and the artist.
When the 8 + 4 pieces are made, the mould is destroyed in my presence.
The bronze piece is always few millimeters smaller than the artist’s original plaster cast, do to the cooling of the hot melted bronze.
From this fact, an illegal cast made moulded from an original bronze work (8 + 4) will be few millimeters smaller than the « original work of art ». It will be qualified as a « false work of art », loosing then all its pretended value.
Of course, the less number of pieces, the more valuable the pieces are.
My sculptures stand out of time, and the quality of the making is a guaranty for their durability above fashion phenomena.
Jean Paul Floch