The Mystery of the painting of the Mona Lisa
- Several anatomical details have not been remarked on.
- Analysis under infrared lighting in the Louvre laboratory revealed that "Leonardo da Vinci has modified in a second time 2 fingers of Mona Lisa's left hand"
He straightened those 2 fingers, but not only that… !
He also raised the metacarpal bones of those 2 fingers, that which increases the tilt of the hand, the same way Mona Lisa would do, hiding something in the palm of her left hand. One can see it very well on the photos under infrared light.
At that time, women commonly wore a thin handkerchief.
Those 2 Fingers modified position, as welle as the increasing tilt of the hand, fits perfectly with anatomical logic of hidding an handkerchief. Was Mona Lisa suffering from a cold… ? I don’t think Leonardo da Vinci would have made this modification for a cold.
Perhaps some tears had Mona Lisa just dried up… ?
Would not that be a hidden symbol relating to the suffering from a forbidden love, which she had been sharing with her painter during the long silence of the poses ...?
Leonardo da Vinci had kept that painting and worked on it until the end of his life. But what reason for… ?
Perhaps before leaving this world has he wanted to express the quest of his whole life : The inner experience of a high lever of Love… ?
That inner experience of Love, hat it been human before becoming mystical… ?
Throught this subtly hidden symbol, did Leonardo da Vinci wish to signify the suffering cause by the obliged separation of a mutual love vibrating beyond morals built through rules and social standarts… ?
Would it be an Universal Love symbol of an incarnated soul, suffering from the nostalgic separation from the Whole : that kind of nostalgic Love, that which Rûmi and Hafiz are longing for in their poems… ?
Morever, the emphazised convergent degree of Mona Lisa’s right eye happens to be only when one is staring in close proximity at something, for example at a human face.
How had Leonardo da Vinci arranged to express that symbolic significance… ?
My explanations are going further in following chapters :
He also raised the metacarpal bones of those 2 fingers, that which increases the tilt of the hand, the same way Mona Lisa would do, hiding something in the palm of her left hand. One can see it very well on the photos under infrared light.
At that time, women commonly wore a thin handkerchief.
Those 2 Fingers modified position, as welle as the increasing tilt of the hand, fits perfectly with anatomical logic of hidding an handkerchief. Was Mona Lisa suffering from a cold… ? I don’t think Leonardo da Vinci would have made this modification for a cold.
Perhaps some tears had Mona Lisa just dried up… ?
Would not that be a hidden symbol relating to the suffering from a forbidden love, which she had been sharing with her painter during the long silence of the poses ...?
Leonardo da Vinci had kept that painting and worked on it until the end of his life. But what reason for… ?
Perhaps before leaving this world has he wanted to express the quest of his whole life : The inner experience of a high lever of Love… ?
That inner experience of Love, hat it been human before becoming mystical… ?
Throught this subtly hidden symbol, did Leonardo da Vinci wish to signify the suffering cause by the obliged separation of a mutual love vibrating beyond morals built through rules and social standarts… ?
Would it be an Universal Love symbol of an incarnated soul, suffering from the nostalgic separation from the Whole : that kind of nostalgic Love, that which Rûmi and Hafiz are longing for in their poems… ?
Morever, the emphazised convergent degree of Mona Lisa’s right eye happens to be only when one is staring in close proximity at something, for example at a human face.
How had Leonardo da Vinci arranged to express that symbolic significance… ?
My explanations are going further in following chapters :
=> => The Mona Lisa-Leonardo da Vinci Créative process :